Tuesday, December 18, 2007


  • Otherwords used to mean country brute are yokel,groundling,lumpkin,canaille,Hoi Polloi.
  • If you want to curse someone use these words - imprecation,interdiction(stop someone from moving to a different place),malediction,anathema.
  • If you argue or in a mood for a duel , you are belligerent,bellicose,pugnacious,jingoist
  • If you commit a crime in India , Australian government cannot try you legally, because there's something called purlieu.
  • If you don't care or mind what's happening - you are said to be fussy
  • You are squeamish when you faint on seeing blood.
  • If you are interested in your dress/style, yor are foppish as well as finicky.
  • Politics is more like floating on a piece of iceberg in the artic, no one will know when you will plummet. Quagmire , morass , bog,fen,slough - wet land.
  • If you are caught red handed copying in an exam hall, you are into predicament.
  • Love for books - Nerd ; Love for sad and unpleasant things - morbid

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