A mosaic design of different things
O Thou who camest from above,
the pure celestial fire to impart
kindle a flame of sacred love
upon the mean altar of my heart.
There let it for thy glory burn
with inextinguishable blaze,
and trembling to its source return,
in humble prayer and fervent praise.
Jesus, confirm my heart's desire
to work and speak and think for thee;
still let me guard the holy fire,
and still stir up thy gift in me.
Ready for all thy perfect will,
my acts of faith and love repeat,
till death thy endless mercies seal,
and make my sacrifice complete.
'Love' is one of the most sacred words I have ever heard. While there are several types of love as identified by ancient Greeks -- Philo , Eros and Agape . This post discusses the second one which is the most confused as we know.
Eros is a type of bond shared between a boy and a girl mostly involving romantic relationships.
Some see it as a passage to express their care for someone while others take it as a relationship to satisfy their personal desires and momentary needs. The present day love barely stands on the pillars of media projected love relationship. Some fall prey to adoloscent infatuation confusing friendship with love. These to some extent owe their share to peer pressure and the society we live in. Shakspeare once talked about , " Love at first sight ." Well , I am still trying to figure out whether he was drunk when he wrote that :) . Looks and beauty are not a good point to start with your so called 'Love'. Sadly , what Shakspeare said is irrefutably the plight of human beings. Each one will find something different and appealing in others in their first meeting or in due course after spending days together.If it happens the second way, I feel it’s well and good.
I have seen people swapping girl friends just like switching channels on a T.V . To those light hearted souls , it is just another mischevious page in their dairy of life - probably beefed up with colour and fun-filled days. They are always on a lookout for someone to support and be with them through their darkest and happy times. Things get topsy curvy when a break-up happens owing to family problems and ego clashes. Some stand against all the odds fighting their way to achieve what they want. Others simply compromise that they were not really made for each other and be on the backfoot , embracing the family and live in memories of the good times they shared - once upon a time.
The last question which comes between people who love is -- How are they going to break the jinx with their family ? Some take a daring attempt to answer this question combating the sorrows and difficult situations thrown by the society while others simply succumb to it , paving way for their parents happiness and social acceptance. It's left to the individual.It all depends on how mentally prepared the couple are. With a society which bases its pride and existence on caste , love is still a blasphemous word to most of the Indian families. They are simply not ready to let off their pride to accept an inter-cultural marriage. Their fears are justified - we should not simply ignore the fact that they will be treated as social outcasts by their own relatives. Still, there are good families who are more interested in their children's future , who let go off their caste and family relations , to stand beside the couple and acknowledge their love. But rarely do we find such scenario.
More on the cause and effect , the bonds shared between lovers and who are successful in future posts.
"Then the Lord said to Noah , 'COME INTO the ark , you and all your household because I have seen you righteous before Me in this generation'."Whenever we are faced with a situation, do not see how big the situation is ? We may appear smaller compared to the situation. But imagine how big our LORD is ! What a mighty God we serve! He's always there to protect us. Sometimes he prevents a danger from happening to us. Sometimes he lets the danger happen to us and reveals his protection in an unimaginable way making us think and trust in Him more.
They will put you out of the synagogues ; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service
II Corinthians 5 :1 says , "For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens ."Everyone who believes in Christ , that he died for all our sins has already a place reserved in Heaven to spend after eternity. The beauties and glory of Heaven is beyond words and human understanding.
John 3:16 says , " For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life ."This is a promise and covenant made by God with the mankind. He wants us to accept all our sins, and sin no more! He is not cruel to condemn us for eternity just because we refused to hear his voice! He gives us chances and opportunities to get closer to him. We may be absorbed by the worldly desires and pleasures ignoring the word of God, yet he will come to help you when you call on His name! Blessed be His name forever. The Bible is not just another book in the shelf preaching moral ethics and disciplines to run our earthly life. Its something more than that -- A PROMISE -- A HOPE -- which every Christian cherishes as he waits upon the Lord to come and put an end to all the tears and sins.
Revelation 21: 4 says , "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed way ."
Romans 1: 20 says, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and God head,so that they are without excuse."
Infinite love of Jesus – Secrets of Bible I :
Sermon by Pastor Regis and its short compilation(August 15th):
I have never ever seen a love as pure and unfathomable as Jesus Christ’s!!
I have attended many sermons and prayers and I never knew why Jesus died on the cross? The day he(Pastor) revealed the truth, I felt how horrible and pathetic it is, to sin against the Holy One of Israel! Pastor Regis said that he asked the question to himself and prayed with tears at the feet of Jesus and he got the answer finally.
Here goes the TRUTH :
The first creation of God(Adam and eve) sinned against him by eating from the ‘Tree of fruit and knowledge’ in
What is that serpent? Where did it come from ?
Well it’s a Biblical secret available only for people in union with God. However Ezekiel chapter 28 speaks of the prophecy against King Tyre(?). Notice carefully and you can see the words ‘Eden’, ‘Angel’ and so on. Read it for yourself.
Now Adam and Eve have sinned and it’s time to come under God’s curse. God had previously said that they will die for sure if they eat from the “Tree of fruit and knowledge”. Did they die as soon as they ate them?
Before explaining this , let me put forward an analogy for a better understanding:
A day will come when all the old people will have to pass away. Their bodies will lay speechless and motionless! It’s a kind of permanent separation and we don’t expect them to speak again. This is a permanent separation and we call it ‘Death’ in other words.
What if a relative of ours leave to foreign for his career/education?
It’s a kind of temporary separation and it is not called as death.
Now coming back, God said that Adam and Eve will die if they eat from the “Tree of fruit and knowledge”. They were finally cast away from
The obvious answer is ‘Permanent seperation’ and we have equated it to death already and thus God’s word is fulfilled. Did God stop with this ? NO.
Genesis 3:24
I have put up verses from a Tamil Bible for better comprehension and wordings.
‘Jeeva virutcham’ is Forbidden tree, ‘F‘Pattayam’ is a sword , ‘sudarolli pattayam’ is burning sword, ‘kerubeankal’ is Angels.
So whoever dies will go into a bottomless pit and never ever enter into
Read Mat 26:31
Did you notice something odd here? It is said that Maipanai vettuvaen? Was Jesus cut or crucified? He was crucified on the cross for all our sins and bought Salvation for all of us!! Why is it ‘vettuvaen’ ?Read Zec 13:7
This was written in the Old testament times and you can see the TRUTH for yourself.Jesus was the Lamb of God(Maipan) who was struck by the burning sword at the Eden to make way for all of us(for all our sins).He bought us salvation this way for : Sins which we have done, we do and which we will do in the future.I cannot describe in words how righteous and loving our Sovereign Lord is! His infinite selfless love !
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
Meditate on these verses for a while to understand God’s love.The God who made the Burning sword himself, righteously sent his only Son to suffer and die for us on it.
But I tried to ask questions like : What is your career ambition? What are your long term goals ?To my surprise my mind(or heart) was not able to answer it. Rather it took a complacent view of the world with my increasing spiritual desires. I haven't understood myself clearly! (phew!) Ramblings of a spoilt brat!! But my family and relatives were always there to guide me.
Classes dull your mind.There's no chance of authentic creativity--John Nash, A Beautiful Mind.
- He expects us to know the limits of a function and have some idea about the solution about the problem we are working at.He often narrates about a student who arrived at an answer of 10^6 Ampere for an 10V circuit.
- The Bottom-up pyramid : if the foundation is not strong, it means the pyramid was built the other way - it was very obvious - The Abdul "Kalam" days are all gone and its now "Kalm" days for MIT - its true! its true!.
- The mathematical assumptions of infinity for solving numerical problems.He often comments on it and says that they are for our understanding.
More to come.I have just attended 7-8 classes and he has left an lasting impression in my heart.Though I don't understand much of the stuff which he talks about, I take that on myself for having a inverted-pyramid structure.I know I can reconstruct - geeez!!
I refrained from watching movies sometime for now.Thanks to programs which run for hours and my room mate who left to his home town - I had a spare computer to watch movies besides my computer crunching numbers at the other end.Bravo ! I watched three movies together back to back ; one of them inspired me very much - Freedom Writers.The other two movies are Kungfu Panda and Forbidden Kingdom.They both deserve an applause for the "special special" effects and -- thanks to Kungfu(Master Oogway hehe).
Freedom Writers(2007) starring Hillary Swanks is a movie based on "The Freedom Writer's Diary" by Erin Gruewell(American teacher) and her class students.This movie is based on the gang wars and racism thats holding America(and other countries) by its neck.It is a must watch movie and I wish I had someone like Erin Gruewell(as a teacher!!).
Bottomline: Please watch it.Its worth spending two hours!