Saturday, October 4, 2008

Chrisitans and the end of days..

They will put you out of the synagogues ; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service

John 16:2

This was written during the time Jesus lived and I am astound by the relevance with which it addresses the present situation

The massacre of christians is increasing world-wide and to everyone's attention , I can see it happening in my own country. Are the Christians safe here? When a nun being gang-raped and paraded naked in the streets , with the police serving as accomplice, makes me put forward such a question. What has happened to our "democracy" and "image of secularism"?

The end-time prophecies are getting fulfilled every day and the Chrisitians are already preparing a banquet to celebrate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Besides creating terror in the hearts of Christians in Orissa, Karnataka and parts of Tamilnadu, it has triggered Christian communities to pray fervently for the redemption of the lost flock in a never-before-way. To some of us, who are absorbed in a mechanical work-oriented life , it is just another story where people are killed and fighting in the name of God. We are all busy preparing for a life that will end shortly !

Where will I spend my eternity ?

II Corinthians 5 :1 says , "For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens ."
Everyone who believes in Christ , that he died for all our sins has already a place reserved in Heaven to spend after eternity. The beauties and glory of Heaven is beyond words and human understanding.

Paul says that in one or other way , every one on this earth has sinned and falls short of the Glory of God. It may be a petty lie, murder, lust,greed and you name it.

Scripture says , " As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions(sins) from us ." What a loving God we have ? He has removed all our sins by the crucifixion of His son.

John 3:16 says , " For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life ."
This is a promise and covenant made by God with the mankind. He wants us to accept all our sins, and sin no more! He is not cruel to condemn us for eternity just because we refused to hear his voice! He gives us chances and opportunities to get closer to him. We may be absorbed by the worldly desires and pleasures ignoring the word of God, yet he will come to help you when you call on His name! Blessed be His name forever. The Bible is not just another book in the shelf preaching moral ethics and disciplines to run our earthly life. Its something more than that -- A PROMISE -- A HOPE -- which every Christian cherishes as he waits upon the Lord to come and put an end to all the tears and sins.

Revelation 21: 4 says , "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed way ."

Dear beloved in Christ , if you are reading this article , it means that God wanted to speak to you and reveal His purpose for you in your life. You may be lonely, oppressed, rejected, sick beyond cure and under demonic influence. Whatever it might be , ask the true God to reveal His ways for you. I pray to God that he may touch your life today and lead you to the eternal life giving waters. God bless you!

Jai Praveen.

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