Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thoughts can cage you

I have been told that thoughts have wings!
I doubt that : Others thoughts can cage your freedom.
The expectations and roles to be played in the society bind
you to an invisible yet compact realm.
You freedom of expression and individuality are lost for the
worst reasons.
Per se, if someone loses individuality, it implies his perception
of ONEness.
Rather a paradoxical situation occurs here, you lose your individuality
and your sense of seperation magnifies. Baffling to most minds.
You have lost individuality for the wrong reasons.
So the pill to liberation is surrender and escape the cage or
keep banging until you lose your mind to end up in a lunatic asylum.
The wise wish to be like the wind! Neither cage nor fence can limit them.
Katrukenna veli, Kadalukenna moodi!

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